Room 8 - Francesco di Valdambrino

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The room houses various works from the Church of Sant’Agostino, including The Adoration of the Shepherds by Pietro di Giovanni d’Ambrogio and Madonna and Child by Matteo di Giovanni, known and venerated in Asciano as the Madonna delle Grazie. Two precious processional crosses are also on display: one, from the late 14th century, comes from Badia a Rofeno and is finely decorated with champlevé enamels, while the other, dating to the second half of the 15th century, was kept in Sant’Agostino and is attributed to Francesco d’Antonio. Among a Holy Name of Jesus, traditionally believed to be the work of Saint Bernardino, and a Madonna and Child from Monte Sante Marie, the delicate wooden Annunciation by Francesco di Valdambrino stands out, previously housed in the Church of San Lorenzo.